Ujumbe wa Upendo seek to accomplish its vision and mission through the following ministries:
To treasure above all else the opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ making disciplines among unreached people of every tongue, tribe, and nation.
Preaching Ministry Objectives
Present the gospel message seeking those who will answer the call of salvation to all people within our reach
To established equipped sustainable churches effectively discipling and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ
To lay the foundation of Christian doctrine and Church ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s supper (communion)
To assist church leaders in introducing opportunities to serve in the local church and proclaim Christ to the lost through missions and community outreach
To assist church leaders in providing spiritual care through restoration of a person’s relationship with God and reconciliation in human relationships
To lay the foundation of education and Christian faith (educate) educator to educator to student, developing future leaders who positively impact their communities (engage), living their faith as they serve locally, nationally, and globally (empower). Ephesians 4: 11-16
Teaching Ministry Objectives
To assist in establishing equipped sustainable local community schools with the local community
To assist in enhancing educators knowledge of evidenced-based practice initiatives through continuing education activities
To assist in providing a stimulating environment which encourages learning and addresses the needs of students and educators
To collaborate with other organizations with interest that support educational initiatives
To demonstrate God’s love through compassionate healthcare providers to foster optimum health of the whole person-physical, psychosocial, spiritual and bring comfort in suffering and death as we seek to restore the relationship between God and His people.
“It is the ethical dimensions of individuals that are essential to a system’s success. Ultimately, the secret of quality is love. You have to love your patient, you have to love your profession, you have to love your God. If you have love, you can then work backward to monitor and improve the system”.
-Avedis Donabedian
Healing Ministry Objectives
To assist in establishing equipped sustainable local community clinics with a focus on routine preventative care with the local community and country health system
To participate in local community medical camps
To develop health informational materials to improve preventive care habits in the areas of but not limited to: dental hygiene, nutrition, immunizations, domestic violence, women health, child health, men health, and local infectious disease
To enhance healthcare providers knowledge of evidenced-based practice initiatives through continuing education activities